Why You Should Visit an Implant Dentist to Replace Your Tooth

Implant DentistAs an implant dentist, we can help to restore your quality of life by preventing tooth loss. Let's face it, tooth loss can be severely traumatic, especially for a young patient who has to face many years of dealing with prosthetics. While there are many solutions, and most are tried and true, there are no solutions quite as sophisticated as the one provided by an implant dentist.

Options for replacing lost teeth

There are three choices for any adult who loses a permanent tooth. The individual can learn to change his or her lifestyle and deal with the challenges of living without a tooth. The individual can get one of the older technologies like dentures or bridges. Or, the individual can select dental implants. Dentures or bridges work fine but do nothing to address the root of the problem.

Traditional methods can lead to having a system of wires or dental cement holding the new teeth in place. A dental implant provides a tooth the stability it needs to function properly. Dental implants not only mimic the functionality of a natural tooth but can also be aesthetically pleasing.

We place a tiny titanium screw in the jawbone, which acts as the root and allows us to secure a fake tooth, also known as a dental crown, to the screw. The dental crown gives patients a perfect replica of their original teeth without any of the wiring or cement.

The importance of dental implants

Unfortunately, many people view implant dentistry as an extension of cosmetic dentistry. Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant has the stigma of only looking real. In reality, dental implants provide patients the full functionality that patients need. While we can certainly understand why someone might consider getting a perfect tooth, or set of teeth, to be aesthetically driven, as an implant dentist we know that there is far more to it.

We actually give the patient a prosthetic device that functions in harmony with the rest of the mouth. The jawbone depends on stimulus from the tooth to prevent it from undergoing resorption. When the tooth falls out and one replaces it with a device that does not stimulate the jawbone at all, the jaw can continue to deteriorate.

Ultimately this can cause problems with the facial structure and loss of other teeth. An implant prevents this by developing a symbiotic relationship with the bone and providing the stimulus it needs.

A growing trend...

Millions of Americans have already switched to dental implants, but the need for them remains. There are still many millions of Americans who are using bridges, dentures, and other means of replacing teeth. As the word spreads about the most natural looking, and long lasting prosthetic in the dental world, we hope that more people will visit our implant dentist office in Hemet.

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