How to Keep Your Dentures in Prime Condition – Tips from our Hemet Office

DenturesOur Hemet dentist office provides dentures as a convenient replacement solution for missing teeth. Whether one has lost a few teeth or suffers from complete tooth loss, we can provide patients with a dental prosthetic that makes it possible to eat favorite foods, smile with confidence, and speak clearly. While dentures are a common dental tool, advancements in technology continues to improve them, making them more comfortable and natural-looking than in the past. We can ensure that they fit properly by making an impression of the mouth and taking measurements that the lab can use to create a custom fitting set. With a customized denture, our patients can leave our office confident in their new smile. After that, it is up to the patient to keep the dentures in good condition so that they last beyond five years. Here are a few care tips you can use at home.

Handle dentures carefully

Anytime you pull your dentures out, brush them, soak them, or go to put them back in, you must be incredibly careful. They are strong enough to allow you to bite down, but they can be broken or chipped if you accidentally drop them or they get knocked off the counter. For this reason, it is wise to have a designated place you can put them where it is unlikely they will fall onto the floor.

Brush gently

You need to brush your dentures daily just like you brush your teeth. The two major differences are that you need to use a soft toothbrush only on your dentures to avoid scratching them. Be sure to brush gently without being too aggressive. You also need to avoid using a traditional toothpaste since it is too abrasive for your dentures and can scratch their surface.

Use a cleaning device

In addition to brushing daily, you can get your dentures extra clean by placing them in a special device. Using ultrasonic waves and a cleaning solution, your dentures will become sparkling clean and fresh-smelling. This is an excellent way to keep them in good condition in addition to brushing them.

Soak them nightly

It is important to keep your dentures moist. For this, you need to remove the dentures from your mouth and place them into water or a special solution. We will suggest a solution once we have a clear understanding of the type of dentures you wear. We will make a specific recommendation when you visit us for an examination.

Our goal is for you to have lifelong oral health without the restrictions posed by tooth loss. Even losing one tooth can impact your speech patterns and ability to eat, we can create a custom-fit set of dentures for you to wear. On an annual basis, we want to examine you so we can ensure your gums are staying in good health and that your dentures are fitting properly. After tooth loss, it is common for the jawbone to suffer from resorption and essentially shrink. When this happens, the dentures can become loose and may need adjustments. This makes annual exams in our Hemet office important for your overall comfort.

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