Crowns and Bridges Can Improve Your Dental Structure

Crowns and BridgesCrowns and bridges are vital to the dental restoration process. When you are in need of improvements to your dental structure, these two components can provide stability, aesthetic appeal, and durability. Both crowns and bridges are used to strengthen, restore, and improve your dental structure.

What are crowns?

Crowns are also known as “caps” and fully cover whatever amount of tooth that is remaining. Dental crowns can also operate as the tooth portion of the dental implant. Crowns can provide protection for the teeth as well as stability and anchoring for dental bridges. When a tooth sustains damage beyond filling repair, or an individual prefers a whiter, more shapely tooth, we can place a crown around the damaged tooth. The crown will provide protection from decay and aesthetic appeal.

What are bridges?

A bridge is a dental replacement that is customized to fit in gaps that have been left by missing teeth. A bridge provides a semi-permanent, attractive and functional prosthetic replacement when an individual has one or more teeth missing. The bridge will include a tooth that will sit snugly in the gap so that it appears to be natural.

When do you usecrowns and bridges together?

When a patient receives a bridge as a dental replacement, we anchor the prosthetic tooth in place to the adjacent teeth. These teeth surround the missing tooth, making bridges available in situations of partial tooth loss only. Dental crowns will help to hold the bridge work in place. The crowns act as anchors that provide the necessary stability to allow the bridge to function normally.

What are crowns and bridges made of?

Crowns and bridges normally consist of the same materials. In most cases, the crowns and bridges will consist of precious metals, porcelain, or porcelain placed over metal. We will typically provide patients with options to choose. In most cases, patients choose tooth-colored materials since people tend to prefer dental replacements and restorations to look natural.

What are the benefits of crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges restore damaged smiles. They also maintain a patient's natural bite and prevent facial bones from shifting. Crowns and bridges can prevent damage from occurring to remaining teeth by evening out pressure and stress during use. These restorations can also prevent further decay from developing periodontal disease. In addition to these functional improvements, crowns and bridges give patients a fuller, more attractive smile.

When you are in need of improvements to your dental structure, crowns and bridges are a durable, stain resistant, and lasting restorative option. Our crowns and bridges can last fifteen plus years when taken care of properly. You should still maintain proper brushing and flossing habits to protect your natural teeth as well as your new restorations from damage. We know you will enjoy your new smile when you receive quality crowns and bridges.

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