Ways To Stop Bad Breath

Bad BreathYou might be suffering from halitosis and not realize it until it is too late. The problem is few people are willing to speak up to let someone know about bad breath. Bad breath has the potential to damage your social relationships, lower your confidence and prevent you from being yourself in public.

You are not powerless in the battle against halitosis. Follow the advice set forth below and your breath will smell lovely.

Clean the tongue

A surprising number of people do not clean their tongue. Most people were taught to brush their teeth and possibly even their gum line. However, the tongue should also be brushed as residue can accumulate in between the taste buds and cause gross halitosis.

A tongue scraper will help eliminate such residue. Alternatively, people can brush the tongue with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Brush at least two times per day

Brush the teeth in the morning and evening at a bare minimum. Ideally, the patient will brush his or her teeth after each meal. Brushing eliminates food debris and plaque. Brushing should extend for at least a full minute at a bare minimum. Dentists advise brushing for a solid two to three minutes.

The refreshing scent of the toothpaste will mask the halitosis. More importantly, brushing will decrease the number of leftover food particles in the mouth that cause halitosis.

Mouth rinse will freshen breath

While a mouth rinse will merely cover up the odor in the mouth an underlying dental issue will promote the growth of bacteria. Bacteria is one of the primary causes of halitosis.

If one does not have mouth rinse available, rinsing with water will also help eliminate bacteria and food particles. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to the water to freshen breath that much more.

Rinse with tea

A study performed by the University of Illinois at Chicago researchers shows rinsing with green tea or black tea prevents bacterial growth that leads to bad breath. Stop smoking and using tobacco products Eliminating bad breath might be easier than one assumes. If an individual smokes or uses tobacco products, then he or she will likely have halitosis. Tobacco dries the mouth, leaving a nasty odor behind that will continue to linger long after brushing the teeth.

Your dentist can help stop bad breath

Regular visits the dentist will help maintain optimal oral hygiene that prevents the onset or worsening of halitosis. Schedule an appointment with us to determine if any oral health issues are the true cause of the bad breath.

It might even be possible the halitosis stems from something like an infection. If you have such an internal problem, the dentist will refer you to a physician or a specialist to address the true cause of the problem.

Eat apples, carrots and celery

Fresh fruits and vegetables like those listed above will stimulate the flow of saliva between meals. Increased saliva rinses bacteria from the teeth, gums and tongue. A reduction in bacteria will undoubtedly reduce the intensity of your halitosis. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables will combat bad breath that arises from fasting.

For more information call Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC. at (951) 707-4366.

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