Signs that It’s Time to Replace Teeth Mini Implants

Dental ImplantsIf you are constantly struggling with your oral health, then you may be a good candidate for mini implants. After tooth loss, it becomes necessary to create a plan for how you are going to replace your teeth as quickly as possible. Tooth loss can lead to further damage by initiating the process of resorption. This is not something that you want to struggle with as it can negatively impact your facial structure and appearance, while also causing other teeth to become loose.

Dental implants are traditionally the best way to replace missing teeth, but not everyone qualifies for the traditionally-sized implants. If for example, one does not have sufficient bone density, then traditionally-sized dental implants are not a feasible option. Since mini implants are shorter and wider, they are often an excellent alternative.

Signs that You Should Replace a Tooth

We rarely advocate for removing and replacing natural teeth. It is in one's best interest to maintain his or her natural teeth for as long as possible. However, there are particular situations which warrant taking a closer look at this option, including:

#1. Loose Teeth

If the teeth are already loose and there is a potential that they will fall out on their own, then one may want to take control of the situation. In this case, we may suggest removing the loose teeth at our office in a sterile environment. This will allow us to provide the individual with a temporary denture to wear so that it does not look like there are any missing teeth while waiting for the dental implants.

#2. Constant Infections

If an individual has a particular tooth or set of teeth that continue to become infected and have already had a root canal, it may be in one's best interest to remove the tooth. Professionals typically recommend a root canal first but one cannot continue to have this procedure over and over again. Eventually, more drastic action will be necessary. The good news is that once we remove the infected tooth has been removed, the individual will begin to feel better.

#3. Dental Damage

Mini implants can be used to replace a tooth that has been severely cracked, chipped, or is missing much of the enamel. If traditional methods like a dental crown do not seem to be appropriate, this is a good alternative.

Ways We Use Mini Implants

Mini implants can replace teeth on an individual basis when a traditional sized implant is not appropriate due to the patient's current physical condition or the density of the jaw bone. Additionally, mini implants can be a good solution for securing a denture in place. Implant-supported dentures are gaining in popularity because it is the perfect hybrid of dental implants and traditional dentures. They give patients the ability to have a beautiful and natural looking smile that is also secure.

Visit Our Hemet Dental Office

You do not have to live with tooth loss. You also do not have to live with teeth that are constantly in pain or getting infected. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry and implant supported dentures, you can take charge of your oral health, and mini implants may be one way for you to do so. To find out if this is the best solution for you call our office at (951)707-4366 and schedule a consultation and exam.

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