Your Health Questions Answered by Our Hemet Dental Office
In our Hemet dental office, we can help you and your family to stay in excellent oral health by cleaning and examining your teeth twice a year. It is normal for bacteria and plaque to build up over time and as it does, you can end up with cavities and gum disease. These common conditions can create severe discomfort and lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Fortunately, ongoing dental care can help you to remain in excellent health. During regular dental appointments, we will also discuss the various things you can do at home to remain in good oral health. Still, we find that there are some questions that our patients ask on a regular basis, and we have compiled answers to them here.
How long will my filling last?
Your fillings can last a lifetime though ten years is fairly common. How long your fillings last will be greatly influenced by your oral health. For example, if you do a good job of brushing and flossing and schedule regular dental appointments, you can prevent further tooth decay. This is good to know because it is possible for that area of your tooth to be subject to additional decay, which could create a loose filling. If this happens, your filling will need to be replaced with another one or with a dental crown. Additionally, you must be careful with what you bite down on since your filling can become damaged just like your natural teeth can.
Does being a diabetic influence my oral health?
In our Hemet dental office, we treat a lot of diabetics and have found that communication is the most important part. If your blood sugar is controlled through diet or medication, you should have the same level of oral health as a non-diabetic. However, if your blood sugar is out of control or you have a diabetic episode, your body's white blood cells will be inhibited from doing their job. They will be unable to fight infection which means that you will be more susceptible to getting oral infections. We suggest that if you have a bad episode or several in a row, you call for a dental exam so that we can remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth. This way your body doesn't have to spend as much energy trying to fight cavities and gum disease.
How do you treat a toothache in your dental office?
The treatment options we provide will depend on what is causing your toothache in the first place. For example, if your toothache is caused by an infection in your dental pulp, you will need a root canal in order to treat the tooth by removing the infected area. If, however, your toothache is caused by a normal cavity, we will remove the decayed portion of your tooth. In both cases, we will restore the missing tooth structure and may use an additional solution like a dental crown to protect the tooth from further damage.
Should I be concerned about rough patches in my mouth?
If they don't go away – yes. Most of the time, a rough patch will be caused by eating something abrasive. If that's the case, it will go away within a few days. However, if the rough patch remains, you may have oral cancer. If you also have red and white bumps, this is cause for concern and should lead you call (951) 707-4366 and schedule an immediate dental exam.
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Upon visiting our Hemet dentist office, we are always recommending that patients schedule the next one at least once every six months. This is not only because we like to keep track of what is going on with a patient's oral health, but also because it allows us to perform routine maintenance on the patient's…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, states that around 17.5 percent of children ages 5 to 19, had untreated tooth decay from 2011 to 2012. Within the same year, the CDC states that 27 percent of adults between 20 to 44 years of age had the same problem. Most people do not like…
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Millions of Americans have a partial denture for one missing tooth. Partial dentures are similar to natural teeth in that sometimes they do not fit well or crack, fracture, or chip. When any of these situations occur, be sure to seek out a dentist to fix the issue quickly. Repairing broken dentures is important for…