Dietary Restrictions After Your Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC. Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom TeethIf you are scheduled for a wisdom teeth removal from Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC., you are about to join the millions of teens and adults who have already done so. This is a common procedure, typically completed because there is no room in the mouth for a third set of molars. While these teeth used to be necessary due to how common tooth loss was, now most patients maintain their first and second set of molars until old age or longer. This means that when the wisdom teeth start to grow in, there is nowhere for them to go. As a result, they are often impacted or grow in sideways, which can lead to discomfort. They can also create a place for food particles and plaque to gather, increasing your risk of cavities or gum disease. Removing them is often the best solution.

If your wisdom teeth have grown in straight, we can typically pull them right out. If they are impacted, we may need to perform oral surgery. This is done by creating a flap in the gum tissue to access the tooth below. Sometimes, we can lift it straight out, while, in other cases, it needs to be broken up into smaller pieces before the area is cleaned and the flap secured in place with sutures. The extent of the procedure is different for everybody, and we will explain in detail during a preoperative consultation what you can expect.

A common factor for most people is the discomfort felt during the recovery process. It is common for your face and jaw to be slightly swollen and uncomfortable. You can use ice and ibuprofen to reduce the swelling, and after a few days, you will start to look and feel like normal. In the meantime, however, you must be careful with what you eat after having the Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC. wisdom teeth removal procedure. It is also important for you to continue eating a healthy and nutritious diet since your body needs the energy to focus on recovery. With that in mind, here are a few different foods that you can try

  • Oatmeal. You can eat oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast after mixing it with whole milk. This will give you a nutritious meal without irritating your gums.

  • Eggs. Scrambled and hard-boiled eggs are good to eat since they provide you with the protein you need. Hardboiled eggs can be made in the morning and eaten throughout the day, making them an easy snack.

  • Yogurt. Buy a variety of yogurt flavors prior to your wisdom teeth removal. This is a simple snack and an excellent addition to any meal.

  • Sweet potato. This superfood can be baked and eaten plain or with olive oil drizzled on top. It is easy to make even when pressed for time.

  • Soup. You can add a variety of vegetables and tofu to soup and eat it without irritating your gums.

  • Smoothies. Add your favorite fruits and vegetables, along with yogurt and protein powder, for a nutritious snack or meal substitute.

After your Hemet Dental Center: Brian Stiewel DDS, INC. wisdom teeth removal, you will have dietary restrictions, but this is only temporary. After a few days, you should feel well enough to eat normally.

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