Answers to Patient Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic DentistryVisiting our cosmetic dentistry office is your first step to a new smile. Some people need minor changes to improve their teeth; other people need an entire smile makeover. We can perform minor and major procedures to fix and enhance your teeth. Learn more by reading our answers to questions commonly asked by patients.

I'm considering getting veneers, how do they work?

Dental veneers can be an excellent choice when it comes to correcting teeth. Our tooth-colored veneers are secured to the fronts of your teeth to offer the appearance of a whiter, straighter, and more even smile. A professional veneer placement by our dental office looks natural and creates a dramatic improvement to your smile.

If my teeth are stained, can you whiten them? Is a professional whitening harmful or my teeth?

Yes, we can whiten your teeth. Our cosmetic dentistry teeth whitening is safe and effective. Teeth whitening can work wonders for your smile. Professional whitening is not harmful to your teeth at all. It can cause sensitivity to overuse store bought whitening strips, but this sensitivity is typically associated with over-the-counter products. Whitening in our office is completely safe and should not cause any major sensitivity.

Is bonding a worthwhile procedure?

Bonding to correct cracks in your teeth and to fill in chips or gaps is typically very effective. Our cosmetic dentistry office provides bonding that is tooth-colored and resilient. We can even complete your bonding procedure in one visit. It is a minimally invasive and simple way to improve your smile. Bonding does not last a lifetime, but the process is so simple that it will not be hard to correct if it wears down in the future. Many people prefer bonding over veneers to correct minor shaping or chipping issues due to the agreeable cost and the quick application.

Can you replace my unattractive silver filling?

Replacing silver amalgam fillings with more appealing tooth-colored composite resin fillings is one of our most popular treatments. Replacing a silver filling can make a big difference in your smile. You will not have to worry about silver showing when you smile or graying occurring on surrounding teeth if you have our tooth-colored fillings in place. Our fillings are made of quality materials that provide great protection for vulnerable teeth.

 Can my teeth just be reshaped, so I don't have to get veneers?

Depending on how misshapen your teeth are, we can perform a reshaping treatment. Our advanced tools can moderately reshape and contour minor imperfections to create a more even smile. If you have severely misshapen teeth, veneers or straightening methods are advised for the best results.

If your questions are similar to these or you have dental imperfections outside of these that you are concerned about, our cosmetic dentistry office can help. If you want your teeth corrected permanently and attractively, we can fix your teeth. Do not put off getting the smile you have always wanted any longer when we are available to help today.

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